Common questions I get asked about dermal fillers

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Here are some common questions I get about dermal fillers:

1. How long do fillers last?

A: This depends. The range of duration usually lasts from 9 months to about 3 years, depending on the type of filler used.

2. Are the results immediate?

A: Yes! Almost all of the results are seen immediately. Sometimes the filler expands slightly more in the days after the procedure day.

3. Is it painful?

A: With proper technique and preparation, the procedure is very well tolerated by most people. At Model Skin MD, we use the cannula method when appropriate to limit the piercing of skin to minimize discomfort.

4. Are there side effects?

A: At Model Skin MD, we use industry leading methods that are proven safe and used by other leading physicians in the field. Clients who receive filler treatment are perfectly OK to return to work after the procedure. The most common side effect can be bruising at site of injection. If the client wants to reverse the effect of fillers, it can be dissolved by a substance called hyaluronidase.


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